Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's Been Awhile

Okay, so this is going to be a little bit more of an informative post. I realize I haven't posted in a pretty long time, and I need to catch everyone up.
Last Wednesday started round two of chemotherapy. I stayed in the hospital for four days, had some wonderful visitors--five to be exact, and basically passed the rest of my time reading the Twilight series. This hospital stay was probably 10 times better than the first one. I'm not sure if it was the type of chemo, more to do, visitors, one really good nurse who talked to me a lot, or maybe it was just the combination. Whatever the reason, I am so thankful that the four days went by relatively fast. As soon as I got out of the hospital, my mom and I drove to meet up with my roommates who finally arrived from Argentina! Yay! Over my stay in the hospital, my mom and our family friend, Jeannine, moved into our homey apartment. Our apartment is less than 2 miles away from the medical center, and it takes less than five minutes to get there. This helps a lot, especially on days like today when I have to be at the hospital at 7 am.
I went back a couple days after I was released for a full 13 hour day of out-patient chemo—lumbar puncture included. My roommates came with my mom and me to the hospital and were able to get an idea of my days in Houston, which aren't too exciting.
Thanksgiving at my grandparents’ lakehouse was great. We watched college football, read for hours, played board games and all of us played what was probably the most hilarious and entertaining game of Catch Phrase. We all laughed so hard—tears and snorting included, and my roommates and I still laugh about it. We also ate an ungodly amount of food; my grandma finds enjoyment in stuffing us like turkeys before sending us on our merry way back home. She’s extremely good at making you get seconds even though you feel like you couldn’t eat another bite. We had to cut our stay short due to another appointment, but it was still great to be with all my family and my friends, no matter how brief. I did miss my sister and brother-in-law a whole lot. My entire family was supposed to go to Tennessee for the break, but sadly that was impossible, another year perhaps. After leaving the lake, my mom, dad, little sister, two friends, family dog and I all stayed in our small one bedroom/1 bathroom apartment. We were packed tighter than sardines, or so the saying goes, I think. The following morning, mom left for Tennessee to be with Kari Ann and Bryan. Although hesitant to leave me alone (but my college roommates were and are still here), we were able to convince her that I would be fine for a few days. I promised I would take all my medicines, get up for my doctor’s appointments, wash my hands (which I always do anyways, remember that I am "germ conscious"), stay out of big crowds, and not try to do too much, etc. My mom is like my own little nurse, and I’m not going to lie I was a little nervous when she left. (I miss you mom). Thankfully this round of chemo has been so much easier than the last, and I haven’t felt sick at all, maybe tired for a couple of days. Kolby (she called herself the junior college girl this weekend, it was really cute) and dad left the same day to head back to Waco, and that left my roommates and me alone in Houston.
Since it’s just been the three of us, we’ve been watching a lot of Grey’s Anatomy, cooking dinner, scrapbooking, reading, playing Disney scene-it, and going to Starbucks and movies. It’s the first time since October 8th that I’ve felt normal. Not just physically, although I do feel great, but more importantly I feel more like me. I think it’s the fact that Emmy Jo and Kara are crazy and super entertaining. We are all three pretty ridiculous in our own ways, and when we’re together we laugh all the time. I love it. I don’t know how many times I’ve said it, but I’m going to say it again, I have the best friends in the world.
My doctor told me last week that there was a chance I would need a blood transfusion today. I had to be up at the hospital this morning for blood tests at 7 am, and thankfully everything is looking good. My counts are on the low side but are still in the good range.
I was a little surprised because Dr. Thomas told me that this round would be harder than the first and that I would more than likely have lower levels than round one. On Tuesday I have another appointment and hopefully Dr. T will tell me everything looks good so that I can come home for a couple of days. I’ll definitely post as soon as I know if I can.
I'll write again soon.


PattieCakes said...

Hi Kendall. I just got caught up on your blog again. I'm SOOOOoooo glad Emmy Jo and Kara are with you. They love you so much. I hope they aren't wearing you out though! That Emmy, shes CRAZY! I wanted to tell you how much I am praising God for taking care of you and that the chemo is working! I am so happy for you and your fam. What great news! Cancer free. Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow. Can't wait to see you. Love love, Miss Pattie

dauncox said...

I am SOOOOOOOOO excited about your news. I have been praying lots!! But have not checked the blog in a while. How wonderful!!! I will continue to pray for endurance as you finish your treatment! You can do anything now girl!! We are getting ready for "Shoe Box Christmas" at the middle school. Think about my young Lorena ladies, as well as those sweet Waco 1st graders in the comming weeks, and let it bring a big smile to your face!!
I love you dearly,
Coach Cox

Danny said...

Hi Kendall,

First of all I must apologize for not writing to you sooner, however I have been out of touch and your Dad just filled me in on everything yesterday. I also haven't had a chance to read the complete blog but understand that you are doing fantastic. I just told Dom about you and he is extremely concerned. You know you hold a special place in all our hearts up here and we are deeply concerned and pray for your complete recovery. I think you are living proof that prayers do work! Keep up the good work and keep up the faith. Don't forget this is the summer that we all get together and we can't wait to see you again. With all our love, Dann and the rest of the Nicolosi family.