Sunday, November 9, 2008

Early Sunday Morning Reflections

I woke up at 5:30 am--this is NOT a normal thing. Ask any of my friends or better yet, my roommates from college, and they would tell you of my angry, not a morning person, don’t even think about waking me up even if I tell you to the night before, stories.
Not too much new information since last Wednesday. I'm finally home :) What a gigantic relief to be able to sit on the couch with all of my family (well, minus Kari Ann and Bryan) and watch a football game.
Now, if I were still in Argentina, which I would have been until the 13th of December, I would be traveling with my friends right now to all kinds of interesting places. That’s a tough one. I think I might actually prefer sitting around with my family to the 34 hour bus ride that my friends are currently taking. Girls, I know giving up the last 2 weeks of your traveling time was a bit of a messy ordeal, but it’s something that I will never forget—never.
Yesterday, reality hit me like a big slap on the face. As I ran my fingers through my hair, I couldn’t help but stare at the globs remaining in my hands. I mean, I knew this day was coming. As a matter of fact, I knew it was approaching rapidly, but I just didn’t realize that even something like losing your hair changes normal life. Maybe it’s the fact that I will actually look like a cancer patient, there’s no more denying it. And okay, maybe that’s a little dramatic. I’m not too upset by the fact that I’m going to be bald here soon. In fact, I’m actually enjoying hat shopping probably a little too much at the moment. I bought a super cute one from Target yesterday, my friend Amy is giving me one at church because apparently “I will love it” (and I’m sure I will), and my creative Ammy from North Carolina is already making me a couple. I feel a tad bit pampered and extremely loved, but I’m not complaining J I’m pretty sure I have the most supportive family, church and friends that a girl could ever ask for, and I do feel blessed every single day.
New plans for Christmas—each year my family goes to south Florida for the Christmas holidays. It’s been a tradition every since we moved to Texas when I was in 3rd grade. This tradition has only been broken one time in the past, but it seems that this year, my family will break tradition yet again. As I said in my post from last week, planning anything extensive is just not possible right now, so the best we can do is “plan” on staying close to home. I’m actually pretty excited about it because my sister and brother-in-law are going to be coming down to visit, and I cannot wait to be surrounded by the people I love the most! I know that sounds cheesy and all, but I think it kind of comes with the territory.

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express" (Romans 8:26).
How deep is the grace of Christ that when we don’t know how to pray or what to say to God, He does it for us


Unknown said...

Hey Kendall,
I know the feeling of running your fingers through your hair and having a handfull of hair left in your hand. That was one of the toughest things for me to overcome when I lost my hair. Before I lost my hair my doctor told me that I would have to find inner strength and I did. I wasn't sure what he meant by that until I lost my hair. Uncle Tim shaved my head when my hair started falling out. I think he really enjoyed that (lol). After I got used to being bald it was nice not having to do my hair all I had to decide was what bandana or hat I was going to wear. People use to tell that when my hair grows back it might come back curly and it sure did! I know this is tough and I hope you find the inner strength too!

Love, Angie

Dwayne Whitten said...

Hey Kendall,
I am a friend of you dad and have been following your blog for a while now. I know you are a strong young lady and have the faith and strength you need. I have always found comfort in Proverbs 3 and hope that you can do the same.

I want you to know that you have a lot of people in College Station praying for you.

In His Love,
Dwayne and family

Anonymous said...

It was great to talk with you on the phone last Friday night. You sounded real up. I was looking forward to going to your sister's reception in South Florida in December, but I guss that it got cancelled. I'll have to meet my new nephew-inlaw (?) some other time. Although I'll never believe that any mortal man can ever be good enough for Kari-Ann, I'm sure that he'll meet specs. Remember that we're praying for you.

lisa said...

Hi Kendall.....I was up at the crack of dawn this morning, thought that I would "blog" a bit on my adoption blog....I probably shouldn't have.....angry words......!

Your blog puts things in perspective for me. Shame on me. But in my behalf....i want to feel for a child, that same love that your Mom feels for you. Your whole family would do anything for you....even your Texas cousins. Please don't forget that.

Maybe we should get the cameras out and you can have a "Brittney" moment and just shave it all off!! You will be beautiful without it....I promise. You know I adore you!!

My email is and my blog is

Love, Lisa

Kim Kirkpatrick-Thornton said...

Thank you for being real and sharing your heart. I am amazed at your spiritual maturity. Your faith daily inspires me, encourages me and strengthens my faith. I just reminding you that you are prayed for daily. I'm so proud of you! You are amazing.
"But as for me,I trust in the Thee, O Lord, I say, "Thou art my God." My times are in Thy hand."
Psalm 31:14-15a
Love you,
Coach K

Kari Ann said...

Sister!! :)
I am so proud of you and love you more than you can imagine. Sarah was mentioning to me last night, there is a picture of you tagged on one of my facebook alubms where you have something over your head and you look bald. Someone had commented that you would look good bald! I agree!!! You are such a beautiful girl, hair or no hair. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and reminding me that God is sovereign over all things great and small.

I love you,

Linda said...

Dear Kendall,

I am sure that you don't remember me, but my husband, Bob Haggerty, is Brian Haggerty's brother. He told us about your cancer and how to read updates on your page. Bob went to highschool with your dad. I want to let you know that Bob and I are praying for you and your family.

Your faith and attitude is a blessing to us. I am a pediatric nurse and see teens that are struggling with cancer and don't have a relationship with Christ. It is so hard for them, and often their parents are divorced and the family is devastated. You and your family are such a witness.

We found out 2 weeks ago that another friend of ours from Boca Raton Community Church is at the same hospital as you with their son, Josh Talbot. Ask your mom if she remembers Nancy and Richard Talbot. I'm not sure if she knows them. Josh is a sophomore at college and has been critically ill for 10 weeks with a rare immune reaction to mono which acts like a cancer. He is getting immunotherapy and chemotherapy.

We will continue to look for your updates and prayer for God's grace and strength during this time as well as your complete healing.

With love in Christ,

Linda Haggerty

Anonymous said...

i love you i love you i love you. you are amazing.

jeff said...

I remember thinking "Why don't I feel WORSE? Why am I not MORE worried or scared or upset?" After all, I had cancer right? Then I thought, people are often telling me that they are praying for me -- that I would feel better, not worry, trust in Him, etc. -- and all of those things were happening! I couldn't deny that God was answering their prayers and I was feeling the affects. I had never been the beneficiary of prayer like that. I also remember having a lot of love for people and appreciating how nice they were to me. My family was amused when I gushed gratitude for the people who sent a card or a few flowers. I guess that's part of the cancer experience too. As you rightly point out in your blog, this not ALL bad! So, I will continue to pray for you, Kendall, and your wonderful family. I know you of all people won't be surprised when He answers.
Much love...Jeff Walter