Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Exciting News

Today, I had bloodwork in the morning, an appointment with Dr. Thomas, and chemo. We left the house at 7:45 am and didn't get back until 6:45 pm. It was a pretty long day. Dr. Thomas told me that my platelet and hemoglobin counts are good right now, but my neutrophil (the defense against harmful microbes) is in the red zone. She said that they should be recovered by Friday, but until then, I will mainly be staying in our room in an attempt to avoid any type of illness. When I do go out, I have to wear a medical mask and gloves to ward off bacteria. I really just have to stear clear of large groups of people, which is just asking for trouble. Also, I have been taking an antibiotic, antiviral, and two antifungals daily, so that should help as well. They really don't kid around about this stuff. I'm kind of laughing now about the statement I wrote in an earlier post, "I will have to become more of a “germ freak” than I already am—let’s hope I don’t become too OCD." Remember that one? Yes, I already have a tendency of worrying a little too much about germs and am occasionally called a "germ freak" by members of my family and close friends. Just ask my best friend, Amanda, who in middle school (and yes, high school, we were obviously so mature) would without fail stick one finger in my bread, corn, applesauce, or some other food item on my lunch tray. She knew I wouldn't eat it because of her "germy" hands and loved watching me get mad or just exasperated. However, for future reference, I prefer to be called "germ conscious," or even "germ aware" would be fine. Back to the doctor's appointment. She told us that since my WBC count should (should being the key word here) be recovered on Friday, or at the latest Tuesday, I can come home to Waco until the 18th of November, on which day I will be re-admitted for another 4 days of in-patient chemo. The doctor told us that this rarely happens and that we should take advantage while we have the opportunity to go home. A whole week at home! What a blessing!! We have been living out of our small suitcases that we brought weeks ago, when we thought we would be commuting to Houston for treatments--not living in Houston permanently. We are going to be able to go home, relax, and pack for the months ahead. I am just praying that everything works out, and that nothing big will happen to keep us in Houston. So this is the exciting news. God keeps giving me great things to look forward to that are helping me to await the future with more than just uncertainty, but with excitement and joy. For example, I'm seeing Amanda this weekend, I'm going home, Thanksgiving at my grandparent's lakehouse, Emmy Jo, Kara and Lauren are coming home from Argentina early to spend two weeks with me in Houston, Christmas in Florida with my family, my sister coming to Houston for a visit, my 21st birthday in January, and I'm sure that He has more great things in store.


Debbi said...

What Great news Kendall, for you and your family! I know you will all enjoy time at home chillin with each other. Let's hope Amanda can contain herself & not stick her fingers where they don't belong :-)
I was reading your post a bit back & noticed you signed it "Kendall Faith" - your middle name, yes? How cool is that...right from the start you were given a name that would reflect your character, even though none of us knew just how much!

Great picture of your family, thanks for sharing it with us!
Give your Mom a hug from me.

love and prayers,

kay d said...

What WONDERFUL news. I'm so happy for you today. If you come to campus and have time, come to PN 109 and say Hi. We don't have germs in this office!!!!!

Kim Kirkpatrick-Thornton said...

That is amazing news. I'm so glad to hear you are responding so well to the treatment. Being a germ freak (I mean germ conscious) is going to pay off. Your attitude, humor, and outlook are great and amazingly enough it encourages me daily so I know it is those around you. I'm excited you are getting to come home and I know there are oodles of people that would like to see you. I sure enjoy even 5 minutes of seeing you if you have the time. I'm thinking and praying for you daily. You are awesome! I love you,
Coach K
"The Lord's lovingkindness never cease; His compassions never fail, they are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness." Lam. 3:22,23

lottie.hobbs said...

So i know i'm late on reading your blogs, but i just found it real humerous about your germ comment!... because i was def. thinking the other day about how in the locker room i would always go to pop one of your pimples before basketball practice/game and you would say "Elaine did you wash your hands" and you would always freak out if i hadn't hahaha! such good times! and i def found a picture of our shoes when we were sitting in our stales doing our "pregame" .... (taking a boo boo!) hahaha i love you and you are taking this all SO much better than i ever would. great things are coming!

Me and my team are praying for you constantly.. and i kno so many other people are! Everything is gonna work out