Thursday, May 14, 2009


Kendall is MIA.
Don't worry though because this action is good. I'm in sunshiny Florida, losing the oh-so-white ghost look. I no longer am super pale--a side effect of staying indoors for seven months. This is going to be super short because I'm exhausted, but I'll give you the quick low down.
I'm feeling A LOT better. I've been walking everyday with my dad, which is really good because I was very easily fatigued before I came. Now I'm doing a lot better, but I guess it helps when you're walking on the beach. I got my CVC (central venous catheter=the tube in my chest) taken out before I came to Florida. I have taken long showers everyday since then. I'm still on some meds, five to be exact--anti viral, magnesium, potassium, and a couple for my stomach. I go back in for another appointment on the 26th, four days after I get back from Florida. After that I have to go back every two weeks so that my doctor can keep an eye on my lymph node--the one that made me look like I had three cheeks back in October. Hopefully these frequent visits will slow up in a couple of months, but as it is, I'm going to have to fly from Dallas to Houston every two weeks. Oh yea, I'm going to school in Dallas for summer I (june 2nd to july 7th). I'll be taking several trips during summer II, then I'll start the fall semester in August. These are all my plans, but as I've learned, my plans and Gods plans don't always coincide so I guess we'll see how it all goes. I'm not going to reflect on anything in particular in this post--that one will come later. Right now the bed is calling my name. All this walking and sitting out in the sun by the beach is really tiring...(sigh). Maybe I'll stay forever.
God is good.


Unknown said...

you better come and see us while you are in dallas- or we'll come and see you. love you.

kay d said...

I'm just now beginning to identify how I've changed. In the beginning I knew I was "new" but I couldn't put words to it. It's been a gradual, slow process for me. I'm so glad you got to go to Florida and are regaining your strength so much faster than I did. I have no one to blame but myself. If you are on campus, stop and say hi!